Gázkoncentráció mérése levegőben

Érzékelők széndioxid, szénmonoxid, oxigén, ózon és egyéb gázok mérésére

Carbon monoxide probe, Oxygen probe

Carbon monoxide probe, Oxygen probe

❮ ❯ Designs and specifications see data sheet Technical data and functions Carbon monoxide probe Applications: For measurement, control and warnings in garages, for monitoring the air quality with respect to the maximum allowable concentration at work...

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Carbon dioxide sensors

Carbon dioxide sensors

❮ ❯ Designs and specifications see data sheet Technical data and functions Digital carbon dioxide sensor Digital CO2 sensor with integrated signal processor All sensor characteristics and adjustment data are stored in the CO2 sensor itself. The unique...

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Gas probe for various gases

Gas probe for various gases

Ammonia Nitrogen dioxide Nitrogen oxide Chlorine gas Sulfur dioxide Hydrogen sulfide Ethylene oxide Designs and specifications see data sheet Adatlap: Gas probe for various gasesAJÁNLATOT KÉREK

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